Scope, Range, and Extent of Manifesto Project Data Usage: A Survey of Publications in Eight High-Impact Journals (Version 1)

Scope, Range, and Extent of Manifesto Project Data Usage (SRE) is a content analysis of publications which uses the Manifesto Project Data. The resulting dataset offers a compressed but thorough overview over topics, policy dimensions, and extraction methods used in each article. Furthermore, the range of countries, party types and families, times, and actors are covered. In addition the extent of critique, validation, and reliability testing related to the MANIFESTO-Dataset is reviewed.

The handbook and the accompanying data and literature reference files provide old and new data users with a quick and convenient summary of existing research and show different ways in which Manifesto Project Dataset can be used. In addition to that, the SRE-Dataset is useful to those looking for information on methodology or case studies on certain countries.

Up to now a total of 230 articles issued between 2000 and 2014 in eight journals (American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, Electoral Studies, The Journal of Politics and Party Politics) have been coded according to a 140-variables scheme. The articles are divided in methodological and substantial ones, and the handbook offers few, simple coding rules for both users and future coders.


Volkens, Andrea/ Ares, Cristina/ Bratanova, Radostina/ Kaftan, Lea (2015): Scope, Range, and Extent of Manifesto Project Data Usage: A Survey of Publications in Eight High-Impact Journals. Handbook for Data Users and Coders. Version I. Berlin: WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Datasets and Codebook

Dataset               xlsx

Documentation   Codebook