Terms of Use


  • The Manifesto Project deals with different aspects of political party performance as well as the structure and development of party systems by analyzing political texts.
  • The Manifesto Project provides data generated by or collected for the Manifesto Project for the purposes of scientific research.


  • Redistribution of the provided data is forbidden except when redistribution is authorized in writing by the Manifesto Project. When sharing data or other materials in the approved way, you must include all accompanying files with the data, including Terms of Use.
  • You agree not to use the materials in any way prohibited by applicable law.
  • You agree to store the data and/or documents in a way that allows you to identify their provenance (the Manifesto Project Data Collection). One procedure to do so would be: 1) folders containing documents from the Manifesto Project Data Collection should not contain documents from other sources unless explicitly documented, and 2) The terms of use need to be present in all such folders (They do not need to be present in subfolders if the main folder contains the terms of use and all subfolders contain only documents from the Manifesto Project Data Collection).

Obligation to Quote

  • You agree to reference the recommended bibliographic citation in any publication (books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, working papers and other publications) that employs the provided resource. The recommended bibliographic citation is presented on the website of the Manifesto Project.
  • You agree to send citations of published works that employs the provided resource to the Manifesto Project for inclusion in a database of related publications. This can be done via e-mail to manifesto-project-bibliography@wzb.eu.
  • You agree to send a digital or an analog copy of the published work that employs the provided resource to the Manifesto Project unless other legal commitments forbid you to do so. Please use manifesto-project-bibliography@wzb.eu to do so.

Obligation to Inform

  • You will immediately notify the Manifesto Project in writing of any unauthorized use of the data, or other data related security breaches of which you are aware.

Limitation of Liabiliy

  • You acknowledge that the Manifesto Project bears no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
  • The Manifesto Project makes no warranties, express or implied, by operation of Law or otherwise, regarding or relating to the dataset.