Euromanifesto / Manifesto Project mapping scheme

This excel-file and script are a cross-walk (mapping scheme) between the Manifesto Project coding scheme and the Euromanifesto 2014 coding scheme. The mapping scheme is very "conservative" and only maps codes that are very similar. Please have in ming that the Euromanifesto scheme contains many "opposite" (negative) categories for which the Manifesto Project scheme does not contain a category (the Euromanifesto scheme eg contains a code "Environmental protection: negative", while the Manifesto Project scheme does not). Most of these code were mapped to the "uncoded" category. This leads to much higher peruncod frequencies in mapped data for the Euromanifesto data. When doing eg. inferential statistics with both types of data in a pooled model, one should at least control for the different types of documents by adding a dummy variable that indicates whether it is a euromanifesto or a "normal" one.

Mapping scheme: emp_mpds_mapping.xlsx

R script to map: emp_manifestoproj_mapping

Euromanifesto 2014 data:


Schmitt, Hermann, Daniela Braun, Sebastian A. Popa, Slava Mikhaylov, and Felix Dwinger. 2016. “European Parliament Election Study 2014, Euromanifesto Study.” GESIS Data Archive.